Monday, November 30, 2009

My DREAM Wedding... In THIS Economy???

I'm going to start blogging more about wedding planning - specifically how to have your DREAM wedding day YOUR way and how to do it in the worst economy our country has ever seen. It's totally possible! I want to show you how!

First of all, a lot of people are confused about the term "dream wedding". They hear that phrase and automatically think you have to be Donald Trump's daughter to pull it off. That is NOT the case. Having YOUR dream wedding actually has almost nothing to do with money at all.

Let's have a little conversation about having YOUR wedding YOUR way.

I want to start a wedding revolution!! I am SO over cookie cutter weddings!! You've seen one wedding, you've seen them all! People think that they can use a different color scheme or whatever and trick people into thinking that their wedding was uniquely their own. Everything about your wedding day should be a reflection of who you (Bride AND Groom) are as individuals, and more importantly as a couple.

Let's talk just about the time line of your day. When I got married EVERYONE got married in the morning, then had a wedding breakfast, then a reception in the evening. So that's what I did. How was that a reflection of who either of us were individually or as a couple? It didn't. But everyone else was doing it, so that's what I did. So how can your time line be a reflection of who you are? If I had my day to do over again, this is what I'd do:

7am - Wake up and take a long bath
8am - BIG breakfast with my extended family (after all, breakfast is my favorite meal of the day)
9am - Go with my mom and sisters to my hair stylist extraordinaire to spend the rest of the morning getting all dolled up and hanging out together
12noon - Head for the Temple with my parents
2pm - Be sealed for Eternity to the man of my dreams
4pm - Go on a carriage ride with my new Eternal Companion
6pm - Wedding Dinner with both families
7pm - Reception begins
9:30pm - Leave our reception and drive off into the sunset

In everything in life, small changes can bring BIG results!

1 comment:

  1. I agree. I hated your wedding day. (Being locked out and trying to sleep in the FREEZING garage probably didn't help my outlook...)
